Tuesday, May 15, 2012

D7 Reader 2.1.0

A new version has just been released with new/user requested feature. Check it out in Google Play store.

Change log:

  • Indication of podcast attachment when navigating (article view) in full screen mode
  • Fixed: hide share bar when going full screen in article view
  • Swapped the locations of Refresh and Search actions.
  • Preference to disable/enable toast notifications


  1. I am really loving the new D7 reader 2.0 interface. The "Gmail-style" interface works very well.

    I have couple of requests to improve this even further.

    1. From reading list, when I select an article, it should automatically go to fullscreen (if a new option to enable this behavior was checked). I almost always read all articles in fullscreen mode and an option to not have to enter in the fullscreen mode would be appreciated.
    2. When the Mobilizer by default is enabled for Article reading, could it use the fonts etc. settings that MObilizer provides? I have selected specific look for Readability that I like. However, unless I click on the Article title to open the article in the Readability mobilizer, I don't see this look (even though I have selected to not see RSS but MObilizer version).


  2. Thanks for your support!

    1. This will come in the next release; It's just a matter of time.
    2. The reason the font is not changed for each mobilizer within the article is because it may affect the user experience. When user switches to RSS/Mobilized view using the button, it has to be a seamless transition and it is not possible if the font is changed.

  3. 1. Thank you! I look forward to it.
    2. I see your point. Maybe this could be an option? I never switch between RSS/Mobilized view now-a-days. I always prefer the Mobilized view with Readability. There are a few instances where this doesn't do the right thing but it is few and far between.

